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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 30, Issue 3, pp. 1105-1657

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The Modified Ghost Fluid Method for Coupling of Fluid and Structure Constituted with Hydro-Elasto-Plastic Equation of State

T. G. Liu, W. F. Xie, and B. C. Khoo

pp. 1105-1130

Low-Dimensional Polytope Approximation and Its Applications to Nonnegative Matrix Factorization

Moody T. Chu and Matthew M. Lin

pp. 1131-1155

A Continuous Interior Penalty Method for Viscoelastic Flows

Andrea Bonito and Erik Burman

pp. 1156-1177

Stochastic Preconditioning for Diagonally Dominant Matrices

Haifeng Qian and Sachin S. Sapatnekar

pp. 1178-1204

Restoration of Chopped and Nodded Images by Framelets

Jian-Feng Cai, Raymond Chan, Lixin Shen, and Zuowei Shen

pp. 1205-1227

Multilevel Linear Sampling Method for Inverse Scattering Problems

Jingzhi Li, Hongyu Liu, and Jun Zou

pp. 1228-1250

A Distributed SDP Approach for Large-Scale Noisy Anchor-Free Graph Realization with Applications to Molecular Conformation

Pratik Biswas, Kim-Chuan Toh, and Yinyu Ye

pp. 1251-1277

The Generalized Singular Value Decomposition and the Method of Particular Solutions

Timo Betcke

pp. 1278-1295

A Monomial Chaos Approach for Efficient Uncertainty Quantification in Nonlinear Problems

Jeroen A. S. Witteveen and Hester Bijl

pp. 1296-1317

On Multisymplecticity of Partitioned Runge–Kutta Methods

Brett N. Ryland and Robert I. McLachlan

pp. 1318-1340

A Nine Point Scheme for the Approximation of Diffusion Operators on Distorted Quadrilateral Meshes

Zhiqiang Sheng and Guangwei Yuan

pp. 1341-1361

Numerical Variational Methods Applied to Cylinder Buckling

Jiří Horák, Gabriel J. Lord, and Mark A. Peletier

pp. 1362-1386

Stopping Criteria for Rational Matrix Functions of Hermitian and Symmetric Matrices

Andreas Frommer and Valeria Simoncini

pp. 1387-1412

Limited Data X-Ray Tomography Using Nonlinear Evolution Equations

Ville Kolehmainen, Matti Lassas, and Samuli Siltanen

pp. 1413-1429

Improvement of Space-Invariant Image Deblurring by Preconditioned Landweber Iterations

Paola Brianzi, Fabio Di Benedetto, and Claudio Estatico

pp. 1430-1458

An Augmented Lagrangian Approach to Linearized Problems in Hydrodynamic Stability

Maxim A. Olshanskii and Michele Benzi

pp. 1459-1473

Fast Multilevel Algorithm for a Minimization Problem in Impulse Noise Removal

Raymond H. Chan and Ke Chen

pp. 1474-1489

A Discrete Optimization Approach to Large Scale Supply Networks Based on Partial Differential Equations

A. Fügenschuh, S. Göttlich, M. Herty, A. Klar, and A. Martin

pp. 1490-1507

Performance and Accuracy of LAPACK's Symmetric Tridiagonal Eigensolvers

James W. Demmel, Osni A. Marques, Beresford N. Parlett, and Christof Vömel

pp. 1508-1526

Multigrid One-shot Method for Aerodynamic Shape Optimization

Subhendu Bikash Hazra

pp. 1527-1547

Algebraic Multigrid Solvers for Complex-Valued Matrices

Scott P. MacLachlan and Cornelis W. Oosterlee

pp. 1548-1571

Multilevel Projection-Based Nested Krylov Iteration for Boundary Value Problems

Yogi A. Erlangga and Reinhard Nabben

pp. 1572-1595

Coupling Conditions for Networked Systems of Euler Equations

Michael Herty

pp. 1596-1612

Microwave Tomography Using Topology Optimization Techniques

Eddie Wadbro and Martin Berggren

pp. 1613-1633

Adaptive Finite Element Method for a Phase Field Bending Elasticity Model of Vesicle Membrane Deformations

Qiang Du and Jian Zhang

pp. 1634-1657